📕Swap exchange

Token swaps on Noah is very easy. It is to swap one token for another through an automated liquidity pool, and you will pay a 0.3% transaction fee.


1. Click to connect to the wallet and switch to the specified network (EVM Network)

2. Select the token you want to trade from the menu of "Payment". The payment token is set to EOS by default. Select the token you want to trade in the "Get" menu.

3. Enter an amount in the "Payment" input box, and the amount you get will be automatically estimated.

4. Check the details and click the [Swap] button.

5. If the price impact of your transaction exceeds the safety threshold set by Noah, a second confirmation will be made for proceeding the transaction.

6. After the transaction is completed, you can view it on EVMScan.

Basic parameters

Slippage Tolerance

Market conditions may change while you submit your order for on-chain execution. Slippage tolerance is the maximum price change you are willing to accept. If the change ratio exceeds this ratio, the transaction will fail to avoid losses in the transaction.

The default slippage tolerance is 0.5%. You are free to customize this percentage.

Transaction Deadline

If your transaction is pending for longer than this time period, it will be reverted.

For example, a trader sets a transaction deadline of 20 minutes, and the transaction hangs more than 30 minutes after submission because his gas fee is set too low. In this case, the transaction's pending time exceeds its transaction deadline, and the Noah contract does not execute the transaction.

Disable multipathing

If you disable multipath, your exchange transactions will be limited to a single path.

Confirmation of approval

When trading tokens or adding liquidity on Noah for the first time, you will need to give Noah access to that token in your wallet by tapping "Approve" in the wallet app.

Risk Disclaimer

Providing liquidity is with risk, and there is a possibility of loss at any time. Be careful when adding liquidity and make sure you understand the risks.

Last updated