🔍How to configure EOS EVM network in MetaMask wallet?

1. Open the MetaMask wallet plug-in, click [Add Network]

2. On the settings page, find [Add a new network]

3. Fill in the basic information of the network and save it.

Main Network Information

- Network name: EOS EVM

- New RPC URL : https://api.evm.eosnetwork.com

- Smart Chain ID: 17777

- Currency Symbol: EOS

- Block explorer URL: https://explorer.evm.eosnetwork.com/

4. After successfully adding the network, switch the network freely in MetaMask.

EOS EVM official PRC URL:https://api.evm.eosnetwork.com/

5.Add EOS EVM account: Your accounts in ETH, BSC, ARB and other Ethereum 2-layer network applications can be used in EOS EVM. You only need to import your private keys or phrases into the Metamask Little Fox Wallet. It will be your EOS EVM account. The EOS EVM address of this account is the account you import. EVM refers to the Ethereum virtual machine, and EOS EVM is the Ethereum virtual machine EVM running on EOS, which is compatible with the Ethereum system.

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